A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | X | Z

- A -
- B -
- C -
Caupona Inn
Cellarius wine steward
Cena supper
Cives citizens
Clavi broad purple stripe
Client the social climbers of their day: artists, politicians, poorer Romans
Coci cook, chef
Consularis as in the phrase, locus consularis, place of honor
Convivium banquet
Cubicula bedroom
- D -
Dignitas dignity
Divis divine
Dominus lord or master
Domina lady or mistress
- E -
Epyterium olive paste
- F -
Fascia brassiere
- G -
Garum fermented fish sauce
Gravitas seriousness, dignity
Gustum Appetizers
- H -
Horologium clock
- I -
Ientaculum breakfast
Imperator Emperor
Imus last
- L -
Lectus bed
Locus place
M -
Mappae tablecloth, napkin
Medius middle
Mensa table
Matrona lady of the house
Nomenclator at a feast, the servant who announced the next course
O -
Oenogarum garum with wine
Ornatrix female servant, maid
P -
Palla shawl
Patronus patron or host
Passum raisin wine
Popina tavern, usually serving hot foot
Prandium lunch
Prima first
- S -
Secunda second
Stola dress
Strophium brassiere
Summus first
- T -
Taberna shop or store
Tabularium Office, usually 
Toga candida white toga
Toga picta purple toga embroidered with gold palm leaves
Toga praetexta toga with a broad purple stripe, worn by boys and senators
Toga pulla black toga, worn from mourning
Toga trabea a priestly garment with purple and scarlet stripes
Toga virilis the "manly gown" assumed by boys coming of age: a white toga
Triclinium large, beautifully decorated dining room; also the beds that guests reclined on to eat
Tunica tunic
- U -
unctor male servant, masseur
Urbs the city
- V - 
Vestis cenatoria evening or dining clothes
- Z -
Zona belt
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | X | Z